7 research outputs found

    Application of Machine Learning in Healthcare and Medicine: A Review

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    This extensive literature review investigates the integration of Machine Learning (ML) into the healthcare sector, uncovering its potential, challenges, and strategic resolutions. The main objective is to comprehensively explore how ML is incorporated into medical practices, demonstrate its impact, and provide relevant solutions. The research motivation stems from the necessity to comprehend the convergence of ML and healthcare services, given its intricate implications. Through meticulous analysis of existing research, this method elucidates the broad spectrum of ML applications in disease prediction and personalized treatment. The research's precision lies in dissecting methodologies, scrutinizing studies, and extrapolating critical insights. The article establishes that ML has succeeded in various aspects of medical care. In certain studies, ML algorithms, especially Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs), have achieved high accuracy in diagnosing diseases such as lung cancer, colorectal cancer, brain tumors, and breast tumors. Apart from CNNs, other algorithms like SVM, RF, k-NN, and DT have also proven effective. Evaluations based on accuracy and F1-score indicate satisfactory results, with some studies exceeding 90% accuracy. This principal finding underscores the impressive accuracy of ML algorithms in diagnosing diverse medical conditions. This outcome signifies the transformative potential of ML in reshaping conventional diagnostic techniques. Discussions revolve around challenges like data quality, security risks, potential misinterpretations, and obstacles in integrating ML into clinical realms. To mitigate these, multifaceted solutions are proposed, encompassing standardized data formats, robust encryption, model interpretation, clinician training, and stakeholder collaboration

    Impact of Fuzzy Tsukamoto in Controlling Room Temperature and Humidity

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    Dry season is a season where the room temperature exceeds the needs of the body so that it is unpleasant, unhealthy and can interfere with human productivity. In addition, the efficiency of use and resource requirements are also a concern for some people. To overcome this problem, an automatic room temperature control device was created using the ESP32 microcontroller with Tsukamoto's fuzzy algorithm optimization as a data processing technique to produce optimal fan speeds in duty cycle units based on temperature and humidity conditions in realtime. Four tests by running a fan for 30 minutes on each showed that the average difference between the maximum and minimum temperatures in the room was 0.95°C, while the average difference between maximum and minimum humidity was 2.0%. In addition, the test graph shows that when the fan is rotated in a closed room without air circulation, the relative temperature change increases from the initial minute to the last minute of the test. Meanwhile, changes in relative humidity decrease, although fluctuations increase within 1-4 minutes. This study found that fans are not effective in lowering room temperature optimally. Therefore, it is recommended to replace with an exhaust fan in future research.Dry season is a season where the room temperature exceeds the needs of the body so that it is unpleasant, unhealthy and can interfere with human productivity. In addition, the efficiency of use and resource requirements are also a concern for some people. To overcome this problem, an automatic room temperature control device was created using the ESP32 microcontroller with Tsukamoto's fuzzy algorithm optimization as a data processing technique to produce optimal fan speeds in duty cycle units based on temperature and humidity conditions in realtime. Four tests by running a fan for 30 minutes on each showed that the average difference between the maximum and minimum temperatures in the room was 0.95°C, while the average difference between maximum and minimum humidity was 2.0%. In addition, the test graph shows that when the fan is rotated in a closed room without air circulation, the relative temperature change increases from the initial minute to the last minute of the test. Meanwhile, changes in relative humidity decrease, although fluctuations increase within 1-4 minutes. This study found that fans are not effective in lowering room temperature optimally. Therefore, it is recommended to replace with an exhaust fan in future research

    Sistem Pelaporan Ujian (Studi Kasus : Fakultas Teknik Universitas Islam Riau)

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    The Exam Reporting System (Case Study: Faculty of Engineering, Islamic University of Riau) is a reporting system that assists the Faculty's leadership (Dean) in recapitulating test files conducted by the test supervisor during exam implementation at the Faculty of Engineering, Islamic University of Riau. The construction of this system is based on a policy or SOP (Standard Operating Procedure) for the implementation of the exam defined by the leadership of the Faculty of Engineering, Islamic University of Riau, with each case study having its own SOP. The manual recapitulation method is slow and takes a long time (1-4 weeks), an alternative in the form of a system that can speed up and shorten the recapitulation process is required. This system is meant to deliver exam reporting solutions in the form of services. The outcomes of this service procedure (transition from a manual to a digital system) will thereafter be faster and easier to obtain. Not only that, but the system can also be used at any time and from any location as long as you have internet connectivity, making it more efficient and versatile. To demonstrate its efficacy, the system was tested and evaluated using a questionnaire at the Faculty of Engineering, Islamic University of Riau, and the results were analyzed using the Likert approach. The processing results have an index of 80.5 percent, indicating that this technology is very suitable for use in institutions

    SISTEM PEMBERIAN UPAH DALAM PERSPEKTIF EKONOMI ISLAM GUNA MENINGKATKAN KESEJAHTERAAN KARYAWAN (Studi Kasus Industri Kubah Masjid Sido Joyo (Seribu Kubah) Desa Sukowidodo, Kecamatan Karangrejo, Tulungagung)

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    ABSTRAK Skripsi dengan judul “Sistem Pemberian Upah Pekerja dalam Perspektif Ekonomi Islam guna Meningkatkan Kesejahteraan Karyawan (Studi Kasus Industri Kubah Masjid Sido Joyo (Seribu Kubah) Desa Sukowidodo, Kecamatan Karangrejo, Tulungagung)” ini ditulis oleh Nur Mohammad Furizal, (NIM) 12402173590, Jurusan Ekonomi Syariah, Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Islam, Institut Agama Islam Negeri Tulungagung dengan dosen pembimbing Mochamad Chobir Sirad, M. Pd.I. Penelitian dalam skripsi ini dilatarbelakangi oleh permasalahan mengenai pemberian upah yang terjadi di Industri Kubah Masjid Sido Joyo (Seribu Kubah) Tulungagung. Seperti yang telah diketahui bahwa upah sangat penting dalam menunjang kehidupan baik pekerja maupun keluarganya. Oleh karena itu, perlu dikaji mengenai sistem pemberian upah pekerja di Industri Kubah Masjid Sido Joyo (Seribu Kubah) Tulungagung terkait kesejahteraan pekerja dalam perspektif ekonomi Islam. Penelitian ini mempunyai fokus penelitian yaitu bagaimana sistem pemberian upah yang dilakukan Industri Kubah Masjid Sido Joyo (Seribu Kubah) Tulungagung dan tinjauan dari perspektif ekonomi Islam, serta bagaimana pemberian upah dalam kaitannya dengan kesejahteraan pekerja. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan sistem pemberian upah yang dilakukan Industri Kubah Masjid Sido Joyo (Seribu Kubah) Tulungagung dan tinjauan dari perspektif ekonomi Islam terhadap sistem pemberian upah, serta menganalisa kaitan pemberian upah dengan kesejahteraan pekerja. Dalam penelitian ini, peneliti menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan jenis penelitian deskriptif sedangkan sumber data yang diperoleh dari hasil pengamatan observasi, wawancara serta dokumentasi. Sedangkan teknis analisis yang digunakan melalui tahap pemilihan hal pokok dan hal yang penting dilapangan sehingga, sehingga pemaparan data bisa dipahami pada kasus yang saat itu diteliti. Terakhir dengan menyimpulkan memperoleh tujuan dari sebuah penelitian Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: 1). Sistem pemberian upah yang digunakan di Industri Kubah Masjid Sido Joyo (Seribu Kubah) Tulungagung menggunakan sistem upah jangka waktu, yang diberikan setiap minggunya dan juga ada uang lembur. Sistem pemberian upah berdasarkan perpektif Islam berlandaskan keadilan dan kelayakan sudah diterapkan pada Industri Kubah Masjid Sido Joyo (Seribu Kubah) Tulungagung, yang mana upah yang diterima sudah sesuai perjanjian diawal dan di paparkan secara transparan oleh pemilik sehingga tidak ada yang terdzalimi. 2). Upah yang didapatkan pekerja bervariasi tergantung dengan jumlah jam dan lamanya mereka bekerja di industri tersebut, ada yang dibawah UMR dan juga ada yang sesuai UMR, dan kesejahteraan mereka meningkat karena mereka menjadi punya penghasilan tetap bahkan bisa untuk ditabung, Kata Kunci: Ekonomi Islam, Kesejahteraan, Pekerja Dan Sistem Upah

    Improved Breadth First Search For Public Transit Line Search Optimization

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    People in general find it difficult to determine the transportation route, because to get to one destination there are many alternative paths that must be passed. This study aims to model the search for alternative bus route routes that are faster to produce routes that must be passed. The method used in this study is Improved Breadth first search by modifying BFS so that its performance is improved in producing route search completion. The improved BFS method is basically the same as BFS doing a level-by-level search stop if a false finish point is found. As the experiment above with a starting point of 175 and an end point of 54 the BFS algorithm takes 27 seconds 564 milliseconds, while the Improve BFS algorithm takes 171 milliseconds. The results showed that improved BFS can improve the performance of the BFS method. Research can be a model to be applied to other optimal route finding cases